
ATED Return Filing Starts at £ 99

  • No hidden charges
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Wondering if the new ATED law affects you?

  • You'll be required to pay tax from 1st April 2013
  •  The return deadline for 2014 is 30th April
  •  Even if no taxes are due filing of returns may be required
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Why you'll love ATED Return

[service title="Filing made easy" icon="icon: star" icon_color="#bf3232" size="25"]We take the hassle away from you for your peace of mind[/service]
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[service title="Private and confidential" icon="icon: ok" icon_color="#bc1111"][/service]
[service title="Professional" icon="icon: ok" icon_color="#bc1111"][/service]
[service title="Prompt" icon="icon: ok" icon_color="#bc1111"][/service]